House of Prayer

We have a House of Prayer every fortnight.  It takes place at NCCF office at 1:15pm-1:45pm on Wednesday bi-weekly.

If you have any queries regarding the House of Prayer, please do not hesitate to contact us  .
 House of Prayer


  • Our Simple Goal - To become a House of Prayer as an office, a Fellowship and individual.
  • Our Aim - To see the Kingdom of God come in power through His blessings, upon the students of the two universities and our members.
  • Our Strategy:
    • Prayerfully select a number of our friends (e.g. 3) who still haven’t committed to Jesus.
    • Prayerfully select a number of our members (e.g. 2) whether you are aware of any needs they have or not.
    • Plan to pray for them 5 minutes a day in total, 5 days a week, for 5 weeks, and then review our experience.
  • Our Preparation:
    • Make a commitment that we will personally learn to become a house of prayer. (Luke 11:1)
    • Make a commitment that, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we will seek to live a clean life. (Psalm 51:10)
    • Ask the Holy Spirit to bless our office, the meeting hall and the surrounding  areas of St James URC with God’s Presence.
    • To come 5 minutes before the scheduled beginning of prayer as possible.
    • To invite fellow members with an open heart to join in.
  • Our Pattern in the meeting:
    • Seek God’s manifest presence in our midst.
    • Intercede for the NCCF, our meetings and our meeting places using the Lord’s Prayer.
    • Ask God to bless our people and our friends over the following areas:
      • Spiritual - salvation, faith and grace
      • Physical - health, protection and strength
      • Labour - work, study and ministry
      • Emotions - joy, peace and hope
      • Social - love, friendship and family
    • Pray collectively over the 5 people each has selected.
    • Ask God to raise up more pray-ers.
    • Speak blessings over each other.

Finally - Keep it simple!  Keep rejoicing!  Keep going in prayer!  Refuse to be discouraged!  Seek His Kingdom first.
