
Article 1: Who we are

Our fellowship is called the Newcastle Chinese Christian Fellowship (NCCF).

Article 2: What we are and why we exist

We are an inter-denominational fellowship of Christians who work primarily but not exclusively among Chinese students in Newcastle to bring them to a deep, loving and mature relationship with God by:
  1. Establishing a closer relationship with God through personal prayer, bible study and worship.
  2. Building up a loving family of believers to encourage and pray for each other (Hebrews 10:24-25).
  3. Seeking and saving the lost - both personal and corporate evangelism.

The NCCF is not a church and NCCF meetings are not to be seen as an alternative to church. The NCCF is not a Chinese cultural society.


Article 3: Partnership with the Chinese Overseas Christian Mission 基督教華僑布道會

  1. The NCCF and the Chinese Oversees Christian Mission (COCM) are partners in the Gospel.
  2. Although decisions relating to the NCCF are to be made by its core committee, it is answerable to the COCM in areas of possible doctrinal error and if it is not fulfilling its aims.

Article 4: Doctrinal basis

The doctrinal basis of the Newcastle Chinese Christian Fellowship shall be the fundamental truth of Christianity as stated in the historic creeds of the faith: namely, the Nicene, Apostles and Athanasian creeds.
Specifically, we also accept and believe:
  1. The divine inspiration and infallibility of Holy Scripture as originally given and its supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
  2. God in Unity and Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  3. The universal sinfulness and guilt of human nature since the Fall, rendering man subject to God's just wrath and condemnation.
  4. Redemption from the guilt, penalty and power of sin only through the sacrificial death (as our Representative and Substitute) of Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Son of God.
  5. The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and his ascension into heaven.
  6. The necessity of the work of the Holy Spirit to make the death of Christ effective to the individual sinner, granting him repentance towards God and faith in Jesus Christ.
  7. The indwelling and work of the Holy Spirit in the believer.
  8. The one Holy Universal Church which is the Body of Christ, and to which all true believers belong: which is not identified exclusively with any one denomination.
  9. The expectation of the personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Article 5: Membership


Application for membership

  1. Applications for membership shall be made to the Chairperson or Secretary of the NCCF.
  2. Membership is open to all who accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour through repentance of sins and faith, and who accept and agree with this constitution especially in regards to the aims and doctrinal basis of the NCCF.
  3. Membership is to be renewed on an annual basis.

Rights of members

  1. All members have the right and duty to vote at all general meetings.
  2. Only members may be elected to serve on the committee.
  3. All members have a right to submit suggestions to the committee and to be informed of the plans of the core committee.

Duties of members

  1. Attend and help out in NCCF meetings and activities.
  2. Support and advise the committee members.
  3. Belong to a church and to a group of Christians to whom they can be accountable to.
  4. Spend time daily with God in prayer and bible study.

Article 6: The core committee


  1. The NCCF core committee shall consist of at least three members, namely, the chairperson, secretary and treasurer.
  2. The core committee is in charge of making decisions on behalf of the members in running the NCCF. Further guidelines are provided in the "NCCF Job Descriptions 2002" but these are only guidelines and not law.

Election of core committee members

The procedure for the election of core committee members is as follows:
  1. The current core committee choose all potential core committee members. All members are welcome to provide suggestions of potential core committee members.
  2. These potential core committee members are formally asked to consider joining the core committee and are informed of the nature of their office. They should be given at least one week to think and pray about this.
  3. Potential core committee members who have agreed to this must be presented to the members during a regular NCCF meeting at least two weeks before the AGM so that any objections can be raised by the members. These objections should be addressed to the current chairperson.
  4. During the AGM, members shall make a single vote according to article 8 to indicate their acceptance or rejection of all the potential core committee members. These potential core committee members will be accepted as the next core committee as long two-thirds or more members vote in their favour. If not, the current core committee will reconsider their choices of potential core committee members and repeat the voting during a later extraordinary general meeting.
  5. The new NCCF core committee members shall the hold office until another core committee is elected at the next AGM.
In the event of any resignations within the core committee, the core committee can appoint a successor until the next AGM.

Article 7: The advisors

  1. The advisors shall be appointed by the NCCF core committee to serve a one year term which has to be renewed annually.
  2. The advisors shall be non-members of the NCCF but must agree with the NCCF Constitution (especially its aims and doctrine).
  3. The advisors must request the core committee to reconsider any decision which is felt to be contrary to the aims and doctrinal basis of the NCCF, or which relates to the appointment or election of core committee members.
  4. Further guidelines are provided in the "NCCF Job Descriptions 2002" but these are only guidelines and not law.

Article 8: The Annual General Meeting

  1. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held between February and March each year at at least one months notice.
  2. Minutes of the previous AGM shall be read by the secretary.
  3. At least two-thirds of members must be present before any voting proceeds. A proposition is successful when two-thirds or more members vote in favour of it.
  4. The advisors shall count the votes and supervise the voting procedures.

Article 9: Amendments to this constitution

  1. This NCCF constitution can only be amended by a two-thirds majority of members at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting. A copy of any amendments is to be forwarded to the COCM.
  2. No part of the doctrinal basis may be amended.

Revised: 20 Jan 2005